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AI Language Classroom
Transform your teaching experience with cutting-edge AI technology that helps you save time and boost student success
Trusted by teachers from the leading schools
Automate Your
Teaching Life
Effortlessly track student progress, mistakes, and vocabulary—all in one place. Save time and let AI handle the details while you focus on what matters most.
Instant Student Insights
Get to know your students better with AI-powered memory, so you never miss a detail about their progress or needs. Always stay one step ahead with personalized insights.
Instant Student Insights
Get to know your students better with AI-powered memory, so you never miss a detail about their progress or needs. Always stay one step ahead with personalized insights.
Instant Student Insights
Get to know your students better with AI-powered memory, so you never miss a detail about their progress or needs. Always stay one step ahead with personalized insights.
Instant Student Insights
Get to know your students better with AI-powered memory, so you never miss a detail about their progress or needs. Always stay one step ahead with personalized insights.
Help at Every Step
From pre-class snapshots to post-lesson reviews and out-of-class tips, AIC ensures you’re always prepared and confident. Stay organized and effortlessly guide your students through their learning journey.
Help at Every Step
From pre-class snapshots to post-lesson reviews and out-of-class tips, AIC ensures you’re always prepared and confident. Stay organized and effortlessly guide your students through their learning journey.
Help at Every Step
From pre-class snapshots to post-lesson reviews and out-of-class tips, AIC ensures you’re always prepared and confident. Stay organized and effortlessly guide your students through their learning journey.
Help at Every Step
From pre-class snapshots to post-lesson reviews and out-of-class tips, AIC ensures you’re always prepared and confident. Stay organized and effortlessly guide your students through their learning journey.
Teach with Confidence
Feel supported with instant AI guidance that helps you navigate any teaching moment with ease. Whether you’re dealing with a challenging question or an unexpected situation, AIC has your back.
Teach with Confidence
Feel supported with instant AI guidance that helps you navigate any teaching moment with ease. Whether you’re dealing with a challenging question or an unexpected situation, AIC has your back.
Teach with Confidence
Feel supported with instant AI guidance that helps you navigate any teaching moment with ease. Whether you’re dealing with a challenging question or an unexpected situation, AIC has your back.
Teach with Confidence
Feel supported with instant AI guidance that helps you navigate any teaching moment with ease. Whether you’re dealing with a challenging question or an unexpected situation, AIC has your back.
Why is AIC Awesome?
Gain valuable data-driven insights into your teaching process.
Focus on Connecting
Spend less time preparing for lessons and more time building strong relationships with your students.
Focus on Connecting
Spend less time preparing for lessons and more time building strong relationships with your students.
Focus on Connecting
Spend less time preparing for lessons and more time building strong relationships with your students.
Focus on Connecting
Spend less time preparing for lessons and more time building strong relationships with your students.
Never Lose Students
Build strong, lasting relationships with your students and keep them engaged through personalized learning journeys.
Never Lose Students
Build strong, lasting relationships with your students and keep them engaged through personalized learning journeys.
Never Lose Students
Build strong, lasting relationships with your students and keep them engaged through personalized learning journeys.
Never Lose Students
Build strong, lasting relationships with your students and keep them engaged through personalized learning journeys.
Automated Speech-to-Text
Realtime transcription allows to get valueable insights from student's speech
Automated Speech-to-Text
Realtime transcription allows to get valueable insights from student's speech
Automated Speech-to-Text
Realtime transcription allows to get valueable insights from student's speech
Automated Speech-to-Text
Realtime transcription allows to get valueable insights from student's speech
Real-Time Performance Tracking
Get all insights during the class
Real-Time Performance Tracking
Get all insights during the class
Real-Time Performance Tracking
Get all insights during the class
Real-Time Performance Tracking
Get all insights during the class
Gamification to Boost Motivation
Engage and motivate your students with fun challenges, achievements, and rewards.
Gamification to Boost Motivation
Engage and motivate your students with fun challenges, achievements, and rewards.
Gamification to Boost Motivation
Engage and motivate your students with fun challenges, achievements, and rewards.
Gamification to Boost Motivation
Engage and motivate your students with fun challenges, achievements, and rewards.
Visualize Progress
See all the data insights in simple diagrams
Visualize Progress
See all the data insights in simple diagrams
Visualize Progress
See all the data insights in simple diagrams
Visualize Progress
See all the data insights in simple diagrams
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Earn More Money
Our students say they would pay more for a tutor using AIC. Boost your income by offering premium AI-enhanced lessons that are tailored to each student’s unique needs.
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Earn More Money
Our students say they would pay more for a tutor using AIC. Boost your income by offering premium AI-enhanced lessons that are tailored to each student’s unique needs.
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Earn More Money
Our students say they would pay more for a tutor using AIC. Boost your income by offering premium AI-enhanced lessons that are tailored to each student’s unique needs.
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Earn More Money
Our students say they would pay more for a tutor using AIC. Boost your income by offering premium AI-enhanced lessons that are tailored to each student’s unique needs.
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Numbers speaking for themselves
Less time preparing for the class
Hours we spent to optimize teaching process
Teachers highly recommend
our platform
Don’t take our word for it
"Since using AIC, I’ve spent more time connecting with my students and less time on admin tasks. My students are more engaged, and I feel more confident in my teaching!"
Sarah, ESL Teacher
"Since using AIC, I’ve spent more time connecting with my students and less time on admin tasks. My students are more engaged, and I feel more confident in my teaching!"
Sarah, ESL Teacher
"Since using AIC, I’ve spent more time connecting with my students and less time on admin tasks. My students are more engaged, and I feel more confident in my teaching!"
Sarah, ESL Teacher
"Since using AIC, I’ve spent more time connecting with my students and less time on admin tasks. My students are more engaged, and I feel more confident in my teaching!"
Sarah, ESL Teacher
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
“I’ve learned more in a few weeks with AIC than in months of traditional lessons.”
Ahmed, AIC Student
We’ve got you covered
How does AIC work with my current teaching method?
All individual Framer subscriptions have been grandfathered into a Pro plan at your existing rate. If you were on a Small Team plan, then all 5 seats have been converted over to Pro seats at your existing rate. Regardless of your subscription plan, all new paid editors that you add to your subscription will be billed at the new plan rates.
Do I need technical skills to use AIC?
Can I customize AIC for different student needs?
What languages does AIC support?
How does AIC work with my current teaching method?
All individual Framer subscriptions have been grandfathered into a Pro plan at your existing rate. If you were on a Small Team plan, then all 5 seats have been converted over to Pro seats at your existing rate. Regardless of your subscription plan, all new paid editors that you add to your subscription will be billed at the new plan rates.
Do I need technical skills to use AIC?
Can I customize AIC for different student needs?
What languages does AIC support?
How does AIC work with my current teaching method?
All individual Framer subscriptions have been grandfathered into a Pro plan at your existing rate. If you were on a Small Team plan, then all 5 seats have been converted over to Pro seats at your existing rate. Regardless of your subscription plan, all new paid editors that you add to your subscription will be billed at the new plan rates.
Do I need technical skills to use AIC?
Can I customize AIC for different student needs?
What languages does AIC support?
How does AIC work with my current teaching method?
All individual Framer subscriptions have been grandfathered into a Pro plan at your existing rate. If you were on a Small Team plan, then all 5 seats have been converted over to Pro seats at your existing rate. Regardless of your subscription plan, all new paid editors that you add to your subscription will be billed at the new plan rates.
Do I need technical skills to use AIC?
Can I customize AIC for different student needs?
What languages does AIC support?
From our Blog
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Try AIC for Free
Start today with a 30-day free trial and discover how AIC can transform your teaching.
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Try AIC for Free
Start today with a 30-day free trial and discover how AIC can transform your teaching.
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Try AIC for Free
Start today with a 30-day free trial and discover how AIC can transform your teaching.
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